Doorways of Life: Birth
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These recordings will be available until end of March 2023
Kohenet Rachel explores the practical wisdom, intuitive social care, and psychological soothing hidden with amulets and folk rituals.
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The handout is edited into the recording.
Midwives and Birth Companionship with special guest Samsara Tanner Kohenet Rachel explores the esteemed and mystical position of midwives in Jewish ancestral culture, and then welcomes special guest, Samsara Tanner, course facilitator of Conscious Birthing. Samsara shares real birth stories and ways in which we can be supportive during the time of labour and birth. Conscious Birthing work with trans, non-binary, and cis birthing-parents and mothers.
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The handout is edited into the recording.
The Torah Readings referred to can be found here: The Revolutionary Midwives of Egypt, The Midwife at the Birth of Perez and Zerah.WEEK 3
Rabbi Debbie Young-Somers explores how ritual immersion can be used to honour and process grief, particularly around infertility, pregnancy loss and grief. We will journey from the Torah to today, and explore how Mikveh is being reawakened in the 21st Century.
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Rabbi Debbie's handout is linked to in the description below the recording.
Kohenet Rachel reveals contraceptives hidden i nour sacred texts, and Samantha Zipporah presents Herbal Allied Contraception & Abortion: Factual, Practical & Radical Reclamation of Ancient Womb Wisdom, providing us with clear and grounded information about plant-allied fertility management. Distinctions among herbal medicines applied for purposes of contraception, implantation inhibition and abortion, herbal actions upon our biochemistry and anatomy at various stages of womb cycles.
Click this link and enter the password that you received in your email.
Samantha's handout is linked to in the description below the recordingRachel's handout is edited into the recording
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